Rofea Optoelectronics independently developed Rof-EDFA series products are specially designed for the laboratory and factory test environment of optical fiber power amplification equipment, internal integration of high-performance pumping laser, high-gain erbium-doped fiber, and unique control and protection circuit, to achieve low noise, high stability output, AGC, ACC, APC three working modes can be selected. Huwa użat ħafna fis-sensing tal-fibra ottika u l-komunikazzjoni tal-fibra ottika. The benchtop fiber amplifier has LCD display, power and mode adjustment knobs for easy operation, and provides an RS232 interface for remote control. Module products have the characteristics of small size, low power consumption, easy integration, programmable control and so on.
ROF DTS Serje 3G Analog Photoelectric Riceiver RF Over Fiber Link ROF Links
ROF-DTS-3G series analog photoelectric receiver has a wide band from 300Hz to 3GHz and flat photoelectric response characteristics, and also integrates digital communication function, automatic gain control, etc., which can not only carry out digital communication with the transmitter, but also automatically compensate for optical link loss changes with high compensation accuracy. Huwa riċevitur fotoelettriku multi-funzjonali kosteffikaċi ħafna. The receiver is powered by an internal rechargeable lithium battery, which reduces the noise input of the external power supply and facilitates the use of the external field. It is mainly used in optical pulse signal detection, ultra-wideband analog optical signal receiving and other system fields.
ROF-EDFA C Banda ta 'Qawwa Għolja Fibra Amplifikatur Amplifikatur Ottiku C Amplifikatur
Based on the principle of laser amplification of optical signal in erbium-doped fiber, C-band high-power bioferbium-maintaining fiber amplifier adopts a unique multi-stage optical amplification design and a reliable high-power laser cooling process to achieve high-power bioferbium-maintaining laser output at 1535~1565nm wavelength. Għandu l-vantaġġi ta 'qawwa għolja, proporzjon ta' estinzjoni għolja u ħoss baxx, u jista 'jintuża fil-komunikazzjoni tal-fibra ottika, radar tal-lejżer u l-bqija. -