BPR series 200M and 350M high-gain balanced detection modules, with high gain and low noise characteristics, through two PIN tube response optimization to achieve high common-mode rejection ratio and high output voltage amplitude (~3.5V), this detection module can provide different gain and coupling output modes according to customer requirements. Huwa adattat ħafna għal sistemi ta 'skoperta koerenti bħal radar tar-riħ Doppler koerenti.
The ROF-EDFA-HP series high-power fiber amplifier adopts the unique optical path structure based on erbium-ytterbium co-doped fiber, reliable pump light source and stable heat dissipation technology to achieve high power output in the range of 1535~1565nm. B'qawwa għolja u punt ta 'ħoss baxx, jista' jintuża fil-komunikazzjoni tal-fibra ottika, lidar u l-bqija.